A big thank you to everyone!
January in SW Florida will usually provide some of the nicest weather in the country. This January, 16th (show day) saw 5 local tornadoes along with extreme rain and wind. However, this did not stop our inaugural show from being a success!
I want to thank all of the vendors and attendee's alike that braved the inclement weather to be a part of this. I would love to give a shout out to all the vendors, but having sold close to 100 tables it would be a bit long. Not only did we have that many vendor tables, we had quality vendors. Each and every one. The type of vendors that should be at a show.
I would also like to thank Apothicare 360 for sponsoring the appearance of the Batmobile. The Broward Batman does so much good for the community.
I can't tell you how many people asked "how soon is the next show?" I'm pleased to say that we are working on it now, making it even better!
Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add yourself to or email list for news and updates.
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